The 💹 Do’s and 💥Don’ts of Ethical SEO

The White Hat vs Black Hat seo Tactics

Content Roadmap

Search engine optimisation (SEO) plays a crucial role in helping websites rank higher in search engines like Google. Higher rankings lead to increased site traffic and new potential customers. Simply put, SEO is important for driving visitors, leads, and sales.

But in the rush to improve search rankings, it can be tempting for websites to take risky shortcuts and engage in practises that violate search engine guidelines. While these “dark arts” of SEO may show quick results, they ultimately lead to penalties and banned websites.

The better path is to focus on long-term, ethical SEO strategies that provide value to users. This article will highlight outdated tactics to avoid, contrasted with best practises to embrace in 2023 and beyond.

SEO Practises to Avoid

Seo practises you need to avoid

Keyword stuffing refers to unnaturally repeating keywords throughout content just to rank for those terms. While this technique may have worked years ago, modern search engines like Google now detect and punish keyword stuffing. When overdone, it creates a poor user experience. Instead, keywords should be woven in naturally.

Another manipulative tactic is using link schemes and private blog networks (PBNs). This involves building artificial link networks to try and boost a site’s authority. However, Google’s algorithms can detect these unnatural linking patterns. The best practise is to focus on creating high-quality content that earns links organically over time.

Thin content crafted around keyword targeting provides little value to readers. Even if it ranks temporarily, thin pages lead to high bounce rates. It’s better to create substantial content that engages users. Other outdated tactics like doorway pages, hidden text/links, scraped content, and comment spam provide similarly poor experiences.

Keyword stuffing

  • Repeating keywords unnaturally throughout content to try and rank for them. This hurts user experience and risks penalties from search engines.

Link schemes and PBNs

  • Using manipulative link networks or private blog networks. Google can detect and penalise these artificial link building tactics.

Thin, low-quality content

  • Creating content to target keywords instead of providing real value to users. Poor quality content leads to bounce backs.

Manipulating pagination

  • Splitting content across many pages to try and boost page counts/keywords. Detected as deceptive.

Doorway pages

  • Pages that are overly optimised for ranking that aren’t meant for users. Provide poor experience.

Hidden text and links

  • Using hidden text or links to manipulate search crawler reads. Detected and penalised.

Scraped or stolen content

  • Copying existing content violates copyright, and duplicate content risks penalties.

Comment spam

  • Irrelevant comments on blogs to try and manipulate anchor text links. Easily detected.

Excessive keyword optimisation

  • Over-optimizing for keywords hurts readability and user experience.

Misusing keywords

  • Stuffing and repeating keywords instead of using them naturally. Hurts user experience.

Writing for search engines, not people

  • Creates robotic, unhelpful content instead of value for human readers.

Spinning or duplicating content

  • Generates thin, low-value content instead of unique value. Risks penalties.

Over-optimizing anchor text

  • Unnatural anchor text profiles easy to detect as manipulation attempts.

Focusing only on Google

  • Forgetting about other search engines misses optimisation opportunities.

Ignoring mobile SEO

  • Majority of searches now on mobile so mobile optimisation is critical.

Targeting multiple keyword variations

  • Spreading optimisation too thin versus focusing on primary keywords.

Focusing only on domain authority

  • Forgetting about opportunity for authoritative backlinks. DA is one metric among many.

Ethical, White-Hat SEO Best Practises

Seo practises you need to start doing

Creating valuable, engaging content should be the foundation of any SEO strategy. Take the time to understand your audience’s needs and intent. Develop content that solves their problems and answers key questions.

Entertaining and inspiring them also builds loyalty. When content provides true value, users are more likely to share and link to it.

While keyword optimisation still matters, it should be done strategically. For instance, featured keywords can be woven into title tags and meta descriptions. But the focus should remain on creating compelling copy that earns clicks, not just cramming in keywords.

Headers, captions, and body text provide more opportunities to organically integrate keywords.

Create valuable, engaging content

  • Focus on audience intent, solve pain points, provide entertainment/inspiration to build loyal fans.

Optimise title tags and meta descriptions

  • Feature keywords appropriately and compellingly to optimise clicks/CTR.

Use keywords naturally throughout content

  • Blend keywords into headings, body, etc. Avoid awkward repetition.

Structure content using headings and subheadings

  • Improves scalability for users and SEO.

Use internal links connecting relevant pages

  • Helps users navigate, and search engines index architecture.

Build high-quality backlinks

  • Earn links organically through valuable content to signal trust/authority.

Focus on content that matches user intent

Optimise for featured snippets

  • Use structured data and writing for snippet boxes.

Use schema markup for structured data

  • Enhance search results and help crawlers understand site.

Optimise website for mobile

  • Key for user experience and search rankings on mobile.

Incorporate engaging multimedia

  • Images, video make content more engaging and rank better.

Stay updated on the latest SEO trends

  • Adapt approach as algorithms and best practises evolve.

Customise strategy based on situation

  • No one-size-fits-all SEO approach.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

In summary, while risky SEO tactics may be tempting, sustainable search engine success requires an ethical approach focused on value for users. Outdated practises like keyword stuffing and link schemes tend to eventually backfire. Lasting results come from optimising for what matters most – creating content so engaging that building links and traffic happens organically.

As search algorithms and best practises change over time, being flexible and keeping up with trends is key. By staying on the “white hat” path, websites can avoid dangerous shortcuts and enjoy long-term SEO success.

🗝️ Takeaways

  • Summary of differences between bad and good SEO tactics
  • Importance of long-term, ethical approach to sustainable SEO success
  • Final thoughts on avoiding dangerous shortcuts
Jesus Guzman

M&G Speed Marketing LTD. CEO

Jesus Guzman is the CEO and founder of M&G Speed Marketing LTD, a digital marketing agency focused on rapidly growing businesses through strategies like SEO, PPC, social media, email campaigns, and website optimization. With an MBA and over 11 years of experience, Guzman combines his marketing expertise with web design skills to create captivating online experiences. His journey as an in-house SEO expert has given him insights into effective online marketing. Guzman is passionate about helping businesses achieve impressive growth through his honed skills. He has proud case studies to share and is eager to connect to take your business to the next level.