Infographics That Convert: Attract More Leads with Visual Storytelling

Infographics that convert s

Content Roadmap

In today’s digital world, consumers are inundated with content. To cut through the noise and capture your audience’s attention, you need compelling visuals that tell a story.

Infographics are an extremely effective form of visual content marketing that can boost engagement, increase social shares, and attract more leads when optimized for conversion.

But not all infographics are created equal. Crafting an infographic that converts requires strategic planning and execution.

This comprehensive guide will teach you how to create high-converting infographics that attract and engage your target audience. You’ll learn:

  • Why infographics are so effective for lead generation
  • How to plan and design an infographic for maximum conversions
  • Expert tips for promoting your infographic to drive more traffic
  • Real-world examples of successful high-converting infographics

Why Infographics Convert: The Power of Visual Storytelling

Infographics: the power of visual storytelling

Infographics allow you to communicate complex stories and data visually. By tapping into the power of visual content, infographics can capture attention and generate tremendous engagement.

Here’s why infographics are so effective at converting readers:

Infographics Make Information Digestible

  • Infographics simplify complex topics through visuals like charts, maps, and illustrations.
  • Data and insights are presented clearly and concisely.
  • Viewers can absorb key information rapidly.

Infographics Are Visually Appealing

  • Colorful data visualizations and creative designs grab the viewer’s attention.
  • Illustrations and typography add visual interest to engage readers.
  • Appealing aesthetic makes the content more shareable.

Infographics Tell a Story

  • Infographics have a logical narrative flow to educate and guide the reader.
  • The visual journey formats insights into a cohesive story.
  • Storytelling evokes emotion and helps the content resonate.

Infographics Keep Viewers Engaged

  • The visual format and logical flow keep readers engaged longer.
  • Interactive elements add motion to infographics to further capture attention.
  • Increased time on page correlates to higher conversion rates.

By leveraging these advantages, infographics can educate prospects and persuade them to convert as leads. But the infographic must be planned properly.

How to Create a High Converting Infographic in 6 Steps

Follow this strategic six-step process to develop an effective infographic that attracts and converts your target audience:

1. Identify your primary goal

Be clear about what you want the viewer to do after seeing your infographic. Common infographic goals include:

  • Generate leads with downloadable content
  • Increase social shares and links
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Promote a product, service, or event

Align your goal to your broader content marketing and conversion strategy. Having a clear purpose will inform each element of your infographic design.

2. Research your topic and target audience

Conduct thorough research on your infographic topic using surveys, interviews, and focus groups. Understand what information your audience wants to see and how to present it visually.

Research should answer:

  • What questions and pain points does your audience have?
  • What data and insights would they find most valuable?
  • How can you tell a compelling story around this topic?

Solid research is the foundation of any successful infographic.

3. Develop a visually impactful creative strategy

Using your research findings, brainstorm creative ways to present your data, tell your story, and achieve your conversion goal.

Your creative strategy should outline:

  • The narrative – What story will you tell? What’s the logical flow?
  • Key information – What data and facts will you include? Which insights will resonate most?
  • Visualizations – What charts, graphs, maps, and illustrations will you use?
  • Design elements – What colors, fonts, and styles will give your infographic visual appeal?
  • CTA placement – Where will your call-to-action be most visible and effective?

Sketch out ideas to bring your strategy to life visually.

4. Outline and organize your infographic content

Map out the structure and content sections of your infographic based on your creative direction.

  • Introduction – Open with an attention-grabbing headline and intro copy. Set the narrative.
  • Key sections – Break down the body into logical sections focused on key insights, data, visualizations, and your CTA.
  • Conclusion – Close with a summary or the final part of the story arc.

Organize information in a natural progression while highlighting important facts, stats, quotes, and visuals.

5. Design your infographic with conversions in mind

Now it’s time to bring your infographic to life. Maintain a conversion-focused mindset during the design process.


  • Use white space and clear delineations between sections. Clarity guides the viewer.
  • Ensure all text is readable. Break up dense text with ample line spacing.
  • Lead the viewer’s eye down the page in a natural flow.


  • Showcase your brand colors, fonts, and logo for consistent visual identity.
  • But don’t overbrand. Keep the emphasis on your content.

CTA prominence

  • Make your CTA large and visually distinct with contrasting colors.
  • Place it near the top and repeat it at the bottom. Keep it noticeable.

Mobile optimization

  • Use responsive design to ensure your infographic displays properly on mobile.
  • Simplify and rearrange elements as needed for small screens.

6. Promote your infographic to drive conversions

You’ve created an amazing infographic. Now it’s time to promote it for maximum visibility and conversions.

Promotional tactics:

  • Share natively on social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest)
  • Pitch to relevant blogs and publishers for syndication
  • Include it in your email newsletters and marketing automation flows
  • Run paid ads targeting people interested in the infographic’s topic
  • Prominently display the infographic on high-traffic pages of your website

Track clicks on your infographic download and CTA to gauge interest and fine-tune your promotion strategy.

By driving more qualified traffic, you’ll maximize the conversions from all the effort put into your infographic.

Real-World Examples of High Converting Infographics

Let’s look at some stellar examples of highly engaging, high-converting infographics from leading brands:

1. Venngage – Infographic Resume

Infographics sample

Venngage markets their infographic maker tool by designing an infographic resume template prospects can download.

Key highlights:

  • Educational narrative explains how to create an infographic resume.
  • Strong visual theme with illustrated graphics maintains visual appeal.
  • Prominent CTA button encourages visitors to “Try Our Infographic Builder.”
  • Includes engaging animated graphics to demonstrate the product benefit.

This infographic has been shared over 10,000 times and generated thousands of free tool signups.

2. Mediafly – Empower Your Distribution Channels

This long, comprehensive infographic by Mediafly summarizes key data for improved sales outcomes from a study titled: “It’s Time to Enable Your Channel Sellers for Evolved Selling” of 2018.

Key highlights:

  • Data-heavy subject matter formatted concisely through charts/graphs.
  • Logical flow from broader industry data to specific product benefits.
  • Strong CTA to download full report.
  • Scrolling design format that allows scrolling through sections.

The infographic generated over 800 downloads of the full report and expanded reach through shares.

Putting It All Together: How to Create High Converting Infographics

Infographics can be a tremendously effective form of content marketing and lead generation when designed for conversions.

But it requires an investment of time and strategic thought to plan and execute properly.

Follow these best practices to develop high converting infographics:

Define your conversion goal
Be crystal clear about the action you want viewers to take. Make your CTA and call to action align to this goal.

Conduct thorough audience research
Truly understand your target audience’s needs, pain points and interests to create relevant, valuable content.

Map out an engaging narrative and flow
Outline a cohesive story that will resonate with your audience and lead them to convert.

Strategically place CTAs
Put your call to action in highly visible areas near the top and bottom of your infographic.

Prioritize visual design
Use appealing graphics, typography and color palettes for strong visual appeal and clarity.

Promote aggressively
Market your infographic across all relevant channels and paid advertising to maximize reach.

Track conversion metrics
Analyze clicks on your CTAs and downloads to refine your infographic and promotion strategy.

Optimize for mobile
Test how your infographic displays on mobile and simplify elements if needed.

Creating remarkable infographics that convert takes time and iterative testing. But the high visibility and lead generation power of compelling visual content is well worth the effort.

Start Creating High Converting Infographics Now

Visual content marketing is only growing in importance. To attract more qualified leads, you need to create infographics that engage and convert.

Hopefully this comprehensive guide provided valuable tips and strategies to help you develop compelling, high-converting infographics.

Now it’s your turn. Brainstorm infographic ideas that will resonate with your audience. Map out a conversion-focused narrative. Design the visuals to capture attention. And promote your infographic widely to increase engagement.

By putting these best practices into action, you’ll be able to produce stunning infographics that educate and convert readers into valuable leads.

The more you hone your infographic marketing skills, the more success you’ll see. So start brainstorming your first high converting infographic today!

What tips do you have for creating infographics that attract and convert? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Jesus Guzman

M&G Speed Marketing LTD. CEO

Jesus Guzman is the CEO and founder of M&G Speed Marketing LTD, a digital marketing agency focused on rapidly growing businesses through strategies like SEO, PPC, social media, email campaigns, and website optimization. With an MBA and over 11 years of experience, Guzman combines his marketing expertise with web design skills to create captivating online experiences. His journey as an in-house SEO expert has given him insights into effective online marketing. Guzman is passionate about helping businesses achieve impressive growth through his honed skills. He has proud case studies to share and is eager to connect to take your business to the next level.