20 Tips for a Successful Content Marketing Team

20 tips for building a successful Content Marketing tips

Content Roadmap

If businesses are looking for long-term, sustainable growth, they should think about building a content marketing team. Businesses of all sizes can apply the advice given in this article and build a compelling and rewarding content marketing team.

Content marketing pillars
The Pillars of Content Marketing

The increasing need for sustainable brand growth is driving business leaders to look for new and innovative ways to build a loyal audience. The main goal is to identify focus areas for content and continuously promote these aspects to improve the company’s image.

Content marketing should be used to engage users who can lead by example.

How to Build a Content Marketing Team

How to build a marketing team by Neil Patel

Content marketing requires a combination of skills, knowledge and creativity. Give yourself a jolt by ensuring that your digital marketing team structure is made up of members with the appropriate skills to successfully meet the current specific requirements.

Content marketing places great value on your team. Make sure you staff your team with members who have experience in the specific skills they need to deliver optimised content.

1. Know What Your Content Marketing Will Say

“Learn to EXPRESS Your WHY!” | Simon Sinek (@simonsinek)

You need to know the message you want to get across before you start strategically planning your content. This is important because it helps you focus and guide the rest of your team. A content strategy is an essential part of a successful web strategy.

And members of your team need to get the message you want to convey through a clear and coherent approach.

Knowing your “why” or the message is important for your marketing strategy since this is how you will promote yourself to the public. It’s also important to set goals for your content marketing strategy, which will help align the team, understand the purpose, and know what progress and success looks like.

This first step is the backbone of building an excellent team, but it is also important because it can serve your purpose. It will be difficult to attract top talent to your vision if you do not already have a clear picture of it.

2. Content Marketing From The Top To The Bottom

For long-established companies, two roles are very important management positions: the Chief Marketing Officer (or also called Director of Content Marketing) and the Content Marketing Manager.

Each role has its own responsibilities, but they are both essential to the growth of any company.

Differences Between Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Content Officer

Marketing Director Skills: Top 5 Skills Every Marketing Leader Must Have
  • The CMO’s role is more strategic. He is in contact with the executives and the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) almost daily and also has regular contact with the Chairman. Basically, the CMO will ensure that all roads lead to building the brand name.

    This means that he or she will ensure that the brand remains strong in the industry and that each service or product delivers the expected results.
  • The CMM’s role also known as Chief Content Officer, is more tactical. He or she will be in charge of driving sales, awareness and engagement within the company. This means that he or she has to provide all the necessary tools so that each department can be successful and provide the best customer experience.

    In general, content marketing managers deal with the marketing process such as research and planning, execution and analysis. CMMs are responsible for developing and implementing marketing plans. They also take care of promotional calendars and strategies, new product launches and new or old marketing projects. They develop and distribute marketing budgets.

Smaller companies, sometimes treat these two roles as one

3. You Must Document Phases and Progress

Understand Digital Marketing Analytics For Your Business

Record what has been done, when it was completed and what results are useful for future strategies.

Document work processes and “standard operating procedures” or SOPs.

Without solid documentation, trying to grow your content team leads to chaos and a complex division of responsibility and accountability. SOPs often provide a set of instructions for scaling efforts so you can easily replicate successes and avoid failures.

4. Decide What You Want to Achieve with Your Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing Tutorial – Setting strategic goals

When you start developing a marketing plan, you need to decide what the desired outcome of your strategy should be and then set the right benchmarks for success.

These indicators of success will help you determine the type of content you need to create. The desired outcome is that your company’s marketing strategy is successful and measured against the right metrics. The desired outcome of a successful content marketing team is determined by how you set benchmarks and indicators for success.

All your advertising must be measurable. Yes, you guessed it, the goal of any marketing strategy is to make your business more successful. If you do not have clear success metrics, it’s very difficult to measure your progress.

5. You Must Think Strategically, not Tactically – it

Thinking strategically means that your marketing strategy is focused on the long-term and not just tactical. Being tactical means that your marketing strategy is focused on the short-term. Yes, there will be times when a tactical strategy is necessary, but if you want long-term success it is much better to be strategic.

In fact, a strategically set marketing plan might include both tactical and strategic elements.

For example, you might have a tactical marketing plan to sell your product for the holidays and a strategic marketing plan focused on your brand.

6. You Must Have a Clear Vision for Your Marketing Team.

How to Set a Clear Vision and Mission for your Team

Your marketing team will only be successful if you have clear goals and objectives. A marketing team with a vision is more successful than a team without a vision. There should be at least three types of vision working together: Individual, team and company.

Individual visions indicate a personal level of performance where a member aspires to contribute, grow and lead.

Team visions are the goals of a group in relation to their own personal level of performance. These can be company-wide or team-specific goals, such as doubling the number of leads by the end of the year.

Corporate visions are what an organisation or company needs to do for its marketing team to be successful. This could include: developing a new strategy, launching a PR or increasing the number of marketing staff by 10%.

A content marketing team is more successful than others when it has a vision and works together as a cohesive unit. Here are some tips that can help your team to be more successful: 

Content marketing team structure:

  • Promote the individual, team and company-specific ambitions of the content marketing team.
  • Make sure your marketing team gets recognition for their success.
  • Ensure that content marketing objectives are aligned with the company’s goals and vision. 
  • Define clear roles and responsibilities for your team members to create a cohesive unit.
  • Create a team policy of accountability where all members are held accountable for their work. 
  • Foster an environment that encourages teamwork, open communication and transparency among your team members.
  • Encourage your team members to bring their best ideas and creativity to content marketing campaigns. 
  • Foster a feedback culture where you create an environment that encourages your team to approach other team members with suggestions for improvement.
  • Ensure you have a strong organisational structure, including clear lines of communication. 
  • Make sure tools and technology are in place to support your teamwork as effectively as possible.
  • Create a collaborative, high-performance culture where everyone is valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.
  • Keep communication with management open and transparent and you will see great results!

7. You Must Hire the Right People

How to Hire and Build a World-Class Growth Marketing Team?

The online marketing industry is crowded with experts, and those claiming to be experts. At the end of the day, you must hire people with proven track records in content marketing and online marketing to get your team off on the right foot.

There are many different skill sets needed to make a successful content marketing team. Not everyone is able to be the best in every single discipline, but you should still strive for balance on your team. This is essential for not only acquiring talent but also for fostering a culture of creativity and innovation.

The more experienced and expertise your team has, the better it will be. Building a content marketing team with all rookies may turn out to be a disaster.

This is because it will be less likely to make mistakes. Mistakes sometimes need to be made, but not on a regular basis. Which makes it very important to have team members who can think outside the box.

It is crucial for your content marketing team to be passionate about what they do and also enjoy working together. The benefits of a strong working relationship are not only professional but also personal. So when hiring for your team, make sure to take note of their personalities. At the end of the day, it is how well they work together that will determine the success of your team.

8. You Must Be Willing To Go The Extra Mile for Your Team

The extra mile is a popular phrase used to describe going beyond what was expected. In order for your content marketing team to be successful, it is crucial that you are willing and able to go above and beyond what’s expected from you.

You must be willing to do whatever it takes in order for your team’s content marketing efforts to succeed. But this mindset should not only be in you but also in your team members.

Fomenting going the extra mile starts with an example.

If you are the head of your team, make sure that everyone is aware of how important it is for them to go the extra mile by setting a good example. There will also be days when you need to stay late and not leave the office until it’s done. Remember, your team members are looking up at you for guidance on how they should act.

Herein lies one of the most important principles you should consider when implementing a successful content marketing strategy. 

The world is constantly changing, and so are your customers’ expectations of your business. You cannot expect your customers to demand your offer if your content is outdated when they come across it.

Always be on the lookout for news related to your industry, or even just story ideas that you can cover in a blog post or article.

These stories can help you find out how your customers feel about what you sell and give them a voice to express themselves.

You need to know that your customers want what you offer.

10. You Must Have Clear Communication Lines Between Departments

Clear Communication in the Workplace

A company where there is little or no communication between departments will suffer in the long run. But not your company if you follow these 20 tips!

A clear line of communication between departments will help you find out what your employees think, how they feel about your strategy and how they react to your communication. Every department in your company plays an important role in your business success. 

Your marketing department cannot act as an island.

 It is important to stay in touch with all other departments in your company.

For example:

  • Sit down with your marketing and sales department once a month for a brainstorming session. 
  • Coordinate with your customer service department to identify issues that might arise from changes in the way you market your business or products, and then inform them.
  • Keep your marketing department informed if there are changes in company goals, projects or strategies that could affect their work and give them the opportunity to contribute their expertise.
  • Involve your marketing team in monthly meetings with other departments to share ideas and strategies for the coming month, quarterly meetings to discuss long-term plans, and an annual meeting to set your goals and strategies for the coming year.

Remember that a company is made up of several departments, your marketing team is one of them, but they all need to work together to deliver a coherent message.

11) Make Sure Your Message Is Consistent Across Channels

How to Maintain Messaging Consistency Across Multiple Marketing Channels

Your message should be consistent across all channels. If you market your product on social media, make sure the text and images match those you use elsewhere, such as in print media or on websites. The same message should be used on both your website and social media.

If you advertise on offline marketing channels. Make sure the message is consistent and in line with your company’s objectives. Not only can you confuse your customers, but you can also lose sight of the company’s goals.

It is not enough to be consistent across all channels. It is important that what you say on one channel is consistent with your goals. 

Communication channels are your company’s eyes and ears to the world. Make sure they convey what you want to say. A good way to keep your message consistent is to have a central content strategy that is developed and updated by your entire team.

It’s best to start with an overview of the goals you want to achieve for your company and then think about how you can support them with content.

If you want your customers to trust your brand, it’s important that the information they receive has the same feel and tone.

Importance of the writers content creators editors

Content creators are the new rock stars.

But if you are not careful, your content strategy can fall by the wayside. This is why content creators are so important. They need to be able to create content that is not only interesting but also engages the reader. They have complete control over what they write about and how they do it.

They are the ones who can shape the image of your brand and make a blog post, an article, a video or any other form of content you want to publish on your website a success.

But what makes a good content creator?

Good content is characterised by creativity, consistency, uniqueness and quality. The goal is to create something worth sharing and then make it popular. There are 4 examples you can not follow, although these concepts are often misunderstood:

1. unique content:

Unique content is not only about plagiarism but also about similarity on the internet. What’s the point of writing about the top 5 best-kept secrets of digital marketing and paraphrasing the article from another website! Yes, plagiarism tools will tell you that your content is 100% unique, but there is another article that covers the exact same 5 secrets. The truth is that you can rearrange the topics, but they will still be the same.

That’s not uniqueness, that’s plagiarism. Google’s algorithms will 100% detect this and most likely it will affect the trustworthiness of your domain. So avoid reworded articles at all costs and do not waste your money. Your website is better off even if you do not publish articles than if you publish low-quality articles.

2. creative content:

The second mistake is that your content creator tries to be creative and fails. You need a team of writers who are able to write engaging content but at the same time align with your business goals and vision. Being creative in your content writing does not mean your content will be successful, not at all. If your writers’ creativity is not aligned with your business goals, vision and mission.

The writer needs to understand what you are trying to sell, what the purpose of your content is and where you want to take people.

3. quality of the content:

The third mistake is that the author does not create quality content. It is very important that you have a system in place to ensure that you create quality content and then measure it.

Content quality is a combination of two things:

  • The quality of the content itself. That means that it is useful, credible and well written.
  • The quality of the distribution channels. This means that you have a way to get your content to the people who are most likely to read it, share it and act on it.
4. the consistency of the content:

The fourth mistake is for authors to publish their content too often or too infrequently. It is important to have a strategy for publishing and a schedule for publishing.

The frequency of your content should depend on what you want to achieve and how much time, money and resources you have available for publishing. Content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. It is recommended to publish at least once a week, but you can publish more frequently if your audience is engaged and interested in what you have to say.

12. Your Marketing Campaign Tone of Voice

The tone of Voice of Famous Brands + How-To Guide

The tone of voice encompasses the writing style and preferred messages that will run throughout your marketing campaign.

For example, a company may want to use a friendly tone of voice with lots of exclamation marks and underscores.

This is an excellent approach for companies selling products or services that are meant to be fun and exciting.

A company with a more serious tone should use formal language and construct its sentences so that they are not grammatically incorrect or reflective of your content.

Create a style guide and document the tone of voice and communication style so that each person on the content marketing team represents the brand with the same integrity, values and tone of voice.

This is important if you want to ensure that each of your customers has a pleasant shopping experience with your brand. It also helps you to find out if the candidates for the content team are a good fit for you when you compare the content they share on-site and their portfolios with your own.

13. Focus on Having an Excellent Content Editor

How To Write Great Content – Content Marketing For Your Blog, Website, Or Ads

Content editors ensure that every article, image and post you publish is understandable, interesting and engaging.

The editor should not only make sure that the content looks good, but also that your customers can easily find what they need on your website or app.

The content editor is the one who makes sure your content is consistent across all channels, including social media and your blog articles. This ensures that you reach every customer on their preferred platform with well-written content that matches your style guide.

The content editor is the one who checks all the copy for grammar, spelling and tone of voice and makes sure it fits with the rest of your website. The more content you have, the more chance you have of reaching a wider audience and selling something along the way. It also makes your blog articles and social media posts more interesting.

A content editor is responsible for editing content to ensure it is clear, concise, engaging and error-free.

A quality editor is “the man” or “the woman” who creates the best layout for articles. He or she saves your company from copyright problems by instructing editors on what to publish so that it is as clear as possible.

14. Innovation, Innovation, Innovation: That is the North of a Successful Marketing Plan

Innovative Marketing Ideas (MARKETING TIPS)

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

― Henry Ford

Regardless of the size of your company, you need to innovate. Innovation can come in many forms like new products, creative marketing campaigns, different ways of solving problems or even new techniques for better customer service.

Invitation can be the differentiator between a successful business and one that never breaks even. 90% of marketers out there copy what other marketers are doing. You need to be innovative in order for your content marketing plan to stand out.

You can check Hubspot amazing digital marketing statistics for the year 2021!

1) __________ is the key ingredient of any successful company, yet many companies forget about it.

Don’t be afraid of change. Change is the only constant thing in the world.

2) __________ is a key driver of innovation and creativity. I ask you to fill in the blanks!

Innovation can happen anywhere – from large corporations to small businesses with 3 employees.

With creativity and innovation comes change.

To support even further your learning, here you have a PDF report by HubSpot, Litmus, and Wistia to help marketers prioritize their strategies and outperform their goals. 

15. Branding Comes First

Designing content for the marketing team is crucial. But all design and aesthetic decisions should be made with branding in mind. Branding is the first step, and without it, you will fail to create a coherent identity for your business that resonates with customers.

Branding Research – First Step Of The Branding Process

The majority of the world’s population learns visually, and information is easier to process when you can see it. Furthermore, studies have shown that the brain can process images and videos 60,000 times faster than text. Therefore, it is important that your designer prioritises branding and creates high-quality visuals to reinforce your brand awareness along with your written content.

Design is crucial when it comes to telling stories that evoke emotion or entice visitors to take action.

Whether you build an in-house team or hire an agency, look for designers who believe in your company’s mission and content strategy.

Consider Brand Image always

Beware of designers who use too many templates or graphics without considering the brand image.

A good example of a designer who understood the importance of customer experience is MailChimp. Their mascot, an adorable chimpanzee named Freddie who likes to play in costumes that match the email theme at hand, greets visitors to their homepage with a friendly hello.

Designers with this kind of sensitivity care about the people they are designing for and make sure that your website is a pleasant experience.

16. Your Team should be diverse and represent cultures, languages and genders

Gender Diversity: a Competitive Advantage for Companies

Each team member brings something different to the team. The reason for the idea of a diverse marketing team is to ensure that marketing is understandable and tailored to each individual.

Content marketing team structure needs to be diverse to represent all audiences, but also to ensure they are using the best voice to address those audiences.

Hello everyone! We are glad you found us! 

When you are in a room with different cultures, languages and genders, with marketers and creatives, it’s a great experience. 

It’s a blessing that we can work together and learn from each other.

Let me share a personal experience I had recently:

We were working on a project and someone casually said, “You know what? We have to go for the global option.” 

I said, “Wait a minute, I thought we were going for the Latin American market?” 

We had a short discussion and it turned out that this person did not know our target group and therefore did not know how best to address them.

It is important that everyone is on the same page and knows who we are promoting: 

The Latin American market!

Fortunately, we were able to get back on track quickly.

Some members of your content team deliver the best content, while others deliver mediocre or poor content.

There are writers who find it easy to write informative and informed articles but lack humour and satire, while other writers often have a talent for comedic writing. All this has to work together to create a coherent message.

Your customer base is diverse, and so should your content marketing team.

17. Define the career paths available to an ambitious, skilled team member

Developing Career Paths

Let us not kid ourselves, we are individuals with our own goals and desires. Some work just for the salary, others for their passion and some work for both and want to develop and advance their career.

You need to ensure that there are opportunities for advancement in your team. Maybe you have several departments where your employees can develop their skills and eventually work their way up. If you do not have this opportunity, you may need to create it.

You need to utilise the skills of your employees as soon as possible, otherwise, they will leave your company to find greener pastures.

A good example of a company that offers many opportunities for advancement is IBM, which was founded in 1911. IBM has now grown to 130,000 employees in 170 countries. A brand of such size and reach does not come by chance, and IBM has a lot to offer its employees in terms of promotion.

Create opportunities for your team to grow

Yes, your company may not be as big as IBM, but that does not mean you can not offer opportunities for growth. Start small and offer promotions as soon as you feel your employee is ready. A good motivator, if not the best, is to promote your team members based on expertise and performance.

Employees tend to get frustrated when they give their all at work and are not rewarded for their hard work.

 It is easy to spot someone who is on the verge of burnout and it is important for the growth of the company. So do not burn out your team members, but give them the opportunity to grow.

Team members need to see themselves as valuable and their growth is based on self-reflection and appreciation for their hard work.

Internal training can be more cost-effective than hiring external professionals, resulting in higher employee retention and lower turnover rates.

18. Pay Attention to the Feedback You Get from your team.

How to Give Employee Feedback with Examples: 3 Key Steps

Members of your marketing team will give you feedback. Listen to it and use this information for your future planning. Their feedback sometimes points you in the direction they want to go. Never ignore their opinion. 

Remember that you also want to be heard. So it is a two-way street.

There can be positive, negative, indifferent or even neutral feedback. It is important that you know the cause of any feedback so that you can take action to address it.

Not everybody will like you!

But remember that not every member of your team will agree with what you are doing. You need to be a leader and make decisions for the team. Yes, people will disagree with you.

The success of your marketing efforts depends on the team that delivers them. They need to be able to work together and for that, they need the input of others.

But regardless of how you respond to feedback, you need to listen to it. That does not mean you follow it just because you listen. It’s just important to understand where each member is coming from.

A good feedback system in the office is not only important for you, but also for your clients.

A good example of this is when one person in the team says, “I think we should put a coupon code on our website,” and you say, “That’s not such a good idea.”

Then someone else says, “I think we should put a coupon code on our Facebook page.”

And you say, “That’s not such a good idea either,” and so it goes back and forth. You can not please everybody.

Here are 14 tips for dealing with feedback:

Content marketing and dealing with feedback
Dealing with all kinds of feedback
  • Avoid negative feedback altogether by setting up a system of positive reinforcement, where employees are rewarded when they perform well and receive constructive criticism when they need it. 
  • When you start working with a new client, find out about him and his needs. For example, if he is in retail, find out what kind of content you should create for him. 
  • First ask yourself, “What does the client need?” and answer that question first.
  • If you are not sure what the client needs, ask him. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and you will not create content that is not suitable for the client.
  • Start with the goal in mind by having a clear idea of what your goal is and what you want the audience to do.
  • Start with one objective at a time, get it done and then move on to the next objective. For example: Do they need help with their website? If so, start there.
  • Know your team’s personalities and how they work best to get the job done effectively.
  • Make sure you take breaks. It’s good to take a break after completing a task or goal so you can come back with renewed energy and focus on the next task.
  • Create an open work environment where employees can come and go as they please, but set boundaries that others must respect by asking certain team members to be “on duty” at a certain time.
  • Make sure your team actively communicates with each other, either in person or online.
  • Have a clear idea of what your end goal for the project will be and keep it in mind throughout the process so that you can stay on track.
  • Be sensitive to the needs and wishes of your team members.
  • Motivate them with positive feedback. 
  • Listen to their ideas. This is a sign of appreciation for their hard work.

19. Allow your staff to own their work

The Key to Empowering your Marketing Team Whiteboard Friday

Give team members the opportunity to contribute their ideas and take responsibility for decisions. This will help alleviate some of the stress by giving them power over what they are working on without losing control.

Encourage ownership among members of your marketing team when they take responsibility for an undertaking or goal. This means that they take ownership of the task and ensure success by acting as the person responsible for their tasks.

You should allow them to take responsibility in a way that suits them. Remember that their idea of responsibility may be different from yours. Therefore, it is important that you consult with the person concerned and allow them to take responsibility in a way that suits them.

9 Tips to help you encourage your team to take ownership are:

  • Allow them to be responsible for their own tasks by taking control. 
  • Give team members a sense of ownership by being transparent about what is going on in the organisation and giving them a voice.
  • Use team members by seeking input and feedback from them on how they think about the organisation and what you should do to move it forward. 
  • Create an environment of mutual support and collaboration.
  • When asking for feedback, ask for constructive criticism.
  • Encourage team members to take risks and be open to new ideas. 
  • Create a safe space where they can have honest discussions with each other.
  • Set boundaries and rules so team members know what is expected of them. 
  • Create a system that provides opportunities for training, teaching and mentoring new staff.

20. Embrace change, but be cognizant of the risks.

Embrace Change, Risk Mistakes: Interview with Bill Marriott

Change is inevitable and the only thing you can control is how well your organisation responds to it. Based on the risk assessment, you need to plan for a change and how it will affect your organisation.

Ensure those team members have a clear understanding of their goals. It is important to set clear expectations of what is expected of them. Some members will stay, others will go. But regardless of the outcome, set goals and expectations so you can be prepared.

Important roles content marketing team members often take on.

The 12 core roles of a content marketing team:

  • Head of the team
  • Content creator
  • Editor or Proofreader
  • Publisher
  • Social Media Manager
  • Test taker or Test maker
  • Copywriter
  • Business Analyst
  • Manager
  • Researcher
  • Designer
  • Marketer

What are the content marketing roles and responsibilities?

Content marketing essential roles
All people are important, but only a few of them are an essential part of the team!

5 essential roles of a content marketing team:

#1. Head of the marketing team

Develop and implement a marketing strategy, including developing a long-term plan for the company’s products.

The Head of Marketing is responsible for developing a long-term plan to increase sales and developing marketing strategies to achieve sales goals.

The Head of Marketing must be able to communicate effectively with other members of the management team and he or she must have a good understanding of the company’s objectives.

#2. Content creator

Content creators are responsible for the ideas and text they use to communicate with their audience.
Sometimes they are also responsible for the design of their content.

Content creators are responsible for creating original, high-quality content for websites or blogs. They may also be responsible for editing and proofreading copy written by others.

Content creators should have excellent writing skills and know how to create and manage a variety of different types of content for the web.

#3. Editor or Proofreader

The editor’s primary role is to maintain the integrity of a text. Editors ensure that content is consistent with the author’s original intent. They may also write and revise content, conduct research, and perform other tasks in the creation of a publication.

#4 Publisher

The publisher is responsible for the overall production of a publication. He or she must be able to work with writers, designers, and other collaborators to produce content that attracts readers.

#5. Social Media Manager

Of course, these 5 roles are not the only roles, but in essence, they are the most important.

#1. Head of the marketing team:

The head of a content marketing team must take on too many different responsibilities, from managing and assigning work to others, to delivering assignments themselves.

#2. Content creator:

A content creator is responsible for creating high-quality, interesting and engaging content that will interest the target audience.

#3. Editor or Proofreader:

Editors are responsible for reviewing content for grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. They also edit the content to make it sound its best.

#4 Publisher:

A publisher is responsible for publishing a company’s content in a way that brings the company’s message to life.

#5: Social Media Manager:

An SM manager is responsible for overseeing and coordinating content marketing efforts on social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Here’s my perfect digital content marketing team structure

  • First, you need a CMO, the head of a company’s marketing activities. The CMO is responsible for setting goals, measuring success and ensuring that all content is in line with your mission statement.
  • Secondly, you need a Head of Marketing, who manages the entire marketing process from planning to implementation. The Head of Marketing is responsible for managing resources and developing new ideas that will lead to the success of your business.
  • Thirdly, you need a Head of Content. This person is responsible for creating quality content that engages your target audience and generates leads.
  • Fourthly, you need a Creative Director who is responsible for the design of your content.
  • Fifthly, you need a Marketing Manager who takes care of the relationships with customers and partners. 
  • Sixth, you need an interactive designer to manage interactive design projects.
  • Seventh, you need a copywriter to take care of your website copy and social media content.
  • Eighth, you need an account manager to manage relationships with other companies such as advertising agencies.
  • Ninth, you need a project manager to coordinate and manage your content marketing projects.
  • Tenth, you should have an SEO specialist to help you optimise your website and content to rank better in search engines.
  • Eleventh, you need a social media manager to create and manage your company’s social media presence.
  • Twelfth, you need a community manager to manage your company’s interaction with its customers and prospects.
  • Thirteenth, you need designers to help you create interactive graphics for the website, email campaigns, ads and more.
  • Fourteenth, you need a PPC expert, someone to take care of your company’s paid advertising.
  • Fifteenth, you need developers to help you create the code for your website.

20 Tips on how to build a content marketing team successfully

The content marketing team is an essential component of your business strategy. Ensuring that these teams are successful requires a lot of work. but with these 20 tips, you can be on the right track.

So today you learned important tips:

  • #1) Do not rush hiring decisions – take your time and find the best candidate for each position that fits your team’s culture and goals.
  • #2) Set clear expectations – tell each of your team members what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated so that everyone understands their role and can give their best.
  • #3) Assign tasks to team members – find out each individual’s strengths and weaknesses and then assign them accordingly so that your team can work together effectively.
  • #4) Support your team – encourage and motivate them, even in difficult times.
  • #5) Be inclusive – create an environment where everyone is welcome to share their ideas, thoughts or concerns.
  • #6) Ensure a good mix of personalities – make sure every personality type is represented so that cliques do not form.
  • #7) Promote the right working environment – find a balance between collaboration and privacy, fun and work.
  • #8) Give feedback – take the time to give constructive feedback on what was done well or how it can be improved next time.
  • #9) Celebrate successes – recognise your team’s achievements, no matter how small.
  • #10) Encourage a sense of belonging – make your team members feel part of a bigger whole.
  • #11) Keep it real – share some personal details about yourself to foster a sense of connection.
  • #12) Share the workload fairly and openly – everyone in the team should know what is expected and what is a reasonable demand.
  • #13) Be flexible – the unexpected always happens, so stay open to creativity when you have setbacks.
  • #14) Encourage empathy among team members – it is important to understand the perspective of your teammates.
  • #15) Keep it simple – do not waste time on unproductive tasks and focus on those that lead to results.
  • #16) Be creative – the best ideas come from the outside, so do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.
  • #17) Have fun!
  • #18) Never take yourself too seriously – if you do not laugh, someone else will.
  • #19) Work with your team’s time zone.
  • #20) Be grateful for everything that works and find ways to appreciate it.

Building a content marketing team Final Words

Each of these twenty tips is critical to the success of your content marketing team. You can not afford to skip even one of them. If you do, it could be disastrous for your marketing efforts.

This article can help you create an environment where your team takes responsibility, which will lead to success!

Who is not a member of a content marketing team should be listened to if he or she brings ideas that can enrich your online marketing efforts.

We hope these tips help you in your search for the perfect content marketing team!

If you need more tips, please feel free to contact us.

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Jesus Guzman

M&G Speed Marketing LTD. CEO

Jesus Guzman is the CEO and founder of M&G Speed Marketing LTD, a digital marketing agency focused on rapidly growing businesses through strategies like SEO, PPC, social media, email campaigns, and website optimization. With an MBA and over 11 years of experience, Guzman combines his marketing expertise with web design skills to create captivating online experiences. His journey as an in-house SEO expert has given him insights into effective online marketing. Guzman is passionate about helping businesses achieve impressive growth through his honed skills. He has proud case studies to share and is eager to connect to take your business to the next level.