The Important of brand awareness, loyalty and brand attitude in the Purchase Intention

\purchasing intent nd the importance of brand awareness

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This articles was prepared using: Exploring the impact of brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand attitude on purchase intention in online shopping

In today’s competitive marketplace, it is important for manufacturers to understand the importance of these factors and create a positive brand image that leads to repeat customers.

Value-creation activities in the consumer decision-making process When making purchase decisions, consumers go through a process that starts with becoming aware of a need or desire and then goes through a series of steps that eventually lead to a purchase – or not. 

Brand awareness, loyalty and attitude play a role in this process and can influence the outcome. Identifying a need or desire is the first step in the process, and this begins the journey to purchase.

Once a need or desire is identified, the person begins to search for information that will help them satisfy that need or desire. This is where brand awareness comes into play. If a consumer is aware of a particular brand, they are more likely to search for information about that brand and consider it as a possible solution to their problem. 

When a purchase is made after weighing all options, brand loyalty comes into play. Brand loyalty is when a consumer continues to buy a particular brand, even in the face of competition, because they have had a good experience with it in the past. Brand loyalty is important for manufacturers because it leads to repeat customers. 

Finally, brand attitude comes into play when a consumer uses the product or service he has bought. If he has a positive attitude towards the brand, he is likely to recommend it and buy it in the future. A positive attitude can be influenced by many factors, such as the reputation of a brand, the quality of the product or service and the overall experience of the customer

As you can see, brand awareness, loyalty and attitude all three play a role in the consumer decision-making process and can ultimately influence whether or not a purchase is made. 

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Definition of purchase intention

Purchase intention is a psychological term used to describe the thoughts and feelings related to the purchase of a product or service. The probability that a consumer will make a purchase in the following period of time. Purchase intention is also a specific measure or rating of consumers’ stated purchase likelihood.

The implication is inherent desire independent of distribution influence including availability and in-store factors.

Another common definition for purchase intention is the desire to make a purchase or to invest in something.

Types of purchase intention

Purchase intention can be broken down into three categories: planned, spontaneous, and undecided.

  1. Planned purchase intention refers to those who have already decided they’re going to buy the product or service.
  2. Spontaneous purchase intention refers to those who are considering buying the product but haven’t made a decision yet.
  3. Undecided purchase intention refers to those who haven’t made up their mind about whether or not they’ll buy the product.

By understanding which type of purchase intention someone has, you can create more targeted content that will appeal to them.

The Importance of purchase intentions

Purchase intentions are important because they help businesses target their marketing efforts towards those who are most likely to make a purchase. By understanding which purchase intentions are driving traffic to your website, you can focus your marketing efforts on the right people and create more sales opportunities.

The role of purchase intention in marketing

In marketing, and most especially in online marketing consumer behavior, purchase intention’s role is help us understand if the audience we are targeting is ready to buy our product. If a consumer is aware of the brand, has positive feelings about it and believes that this brand will fulfill his needs he is more likely to be involved in purchasing process.

By understanding purchase intention’s role, you can faster and better reach your target audience.

Marketing campaigns that target consumers with high purchase intentions tend to achieve better results than those that target consumers with lower purchase intentions. This is because it’s easier for businesses to convert customers with high purchase intentions than it is for them to convert customers with low purchase intentions.

Marketers can use various methods to measure and track their company’s progress towards achieving higher levels of purchase intent across all of their marketing campaigns. These methods include customer surveys, focus groups, online behavioral tracking (OBT), and social media analytics.

What are the limitations of purchase intention?

Knowing that the purchase intentions can be planned, spontaneous, or undecided. it is not easy to target the purchase intention of the customers.

The most important thing is that a company needs to make sure that whether their product or service is related with the customer’s need and interest. If it is not, then the company will not be successful in selling their products or services.

The main 10 limitations that we face when trying to leverage purchase intention are:

  1. The customers’ needs and interest can change in a short period of time.
  2. Customers can have different needs at the same time so it’s hard to target all customers’ purchase intentions.
  3. The decision making process for purchase intention is not always clear.
  4. The purchase intention can be easily affected by external factors like the economy, social and political environment.
  5. Customers are not always honest when answering surveys.
  6. There are many other factors that affect purchase intention besides advertising, promotions and price.
  7. Purchase intentions can be very different from actual purchases, especially if there is a long time between the intention and actual purchase.
  8. Purchase intentions are not always consistent over time, so they can’t be used to predict future purchases.
  9. They are intentions not actions.
  10. The behaviour of customers is not always predictable.

Top 7 Factors that influence Purchase Intention

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1. Stimulus/Trigger

A stimulus is anything that leads to a person engaging with your content. This could be anything from an image or video to a catchy headline. The cue that triggers a buyer towards considering a product or a brand to be included in their consideration set is stimulus/trigger.

Stimuli can come from anywhere – your competitors, social media, etc. – and it’s important to be aware of what might trigger someone into clicking on your content. By understanding what triggers people’s interest, you can create content that is more likely to get them talking, reading, or buying.

2. Cues/Signals

Cues are anything that suggest the person might want to buy something related to the topic at hand. These could include product images, testimonials, or calls-to-action (CTAs).

When it comes to creating persuasive content, it’s essential to understand what cues different types of buyers may respond well to. For example, if you’re writing about fitness products, product images featuring muscular athletes may cue buyers into thinking that this is an effective product for them. CTAs also play a big role in persuading buyers – placing them in positions where they’re more likely to make a purchase (like offering a free trial or discount code).

3. Benefits/Value propositions

Benefits are what the product or service is designed to provide. This could be information, entertainment, or guidance.

When it comes to offer a product or service, the company should be able to explain what benefits it will bring to the customer. The offer of a product or service is not only about price and quality but also about its features. The features are the benefits of a product or service.

4. Outcome Expectation

Purchase intention is influenced by the outcome expected out of the use of a product or service. Outcome expectation can be positive or negative.

When someone makes a purchase, they generally have a certain outcome expectation – in other words, they believe that by buying this product, they’ll achieve a specific goal. This expectation can be based on personal experience or what other people have told them. Outcome expectations can influence our decisions in different ways, and they can often play a role in how we buy products and services.

For example, if someone’s outcome expectation is that buying this product will make them smarter, they’re likely to be more likely to buy it if they think it’s worth the price. On the other hand, if someone’s outcome expectation is that buying this product will make them look good to their friends, they’re not likely to buy it even if it’s cheaper than alternatives.

Outcome expectations are important because they help us make informed decisions about what products and services to buy – and sometimes they even drive our shopping behavior! Understanding how people expect products and services to work is key for businesses who want to sell their products online or through other channels.

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5. Aspirational Value

The product might satiate some aspirations of a buyer. Aspirational value is the emotional connection a person has with a product or service. And it is created when people see themselves in the product or service.

Aspirational value is the reason someone chooses to purchase a product or service. It’s the deep-seated motivation that drives people to make a purchase, and it comes from three sources: perceived benefits, perceived costs, and perceived ease of use.

  • Perceived benefits are the reasons someone believes that taking action will lead to a positive outcome. This could be anything from feeling better about themselves to gaining new skills or knowledge.
  • Perceived costs are the financial implications of taking an action. This could include money spent on products or services, time spent working on something, or risk taken in any type of venture.
  • Perceived ease of use is how easy it seems for someone to take the necessary steps to achieve their goal. This includes factors like how well the information is presented, whether all required tools are available, and how straightforward it is to complete an action once you have started.

All three sources of aspirational value can influence purchasing decisions in different ways.

For example,

  • Perceived benefits might motivate someone to buy a product because they believe it will help them achieve their goals more easily than other options available.
  • Perceived costs might convince them not to buy something because they think it will be too expensive or time-consuming to use.
  • Perceived ease of use might influence someone to buy a product even if they don’t need it because they think the process of using it will be easy.

6. Recommendation

Recommendation refers to the act of recommending a product, service, or idea to someone else. It can be done through online reviews, social media posts, or other forms of communication.

Anytime we recommend something to someone, we’re often trying to help them find what they need or want. Sometimes that something is a product that we think they’ll like. Other times it’s an idea or piece of advice that we believe will be useful to them.

We can recommend products and services through different channels – like online reviews, social media posts, and emails – in order to reach as many people as possible.

Recommending things can be helpful for businesses in a few ways: it can increase sales (by encouraging customers to buy products), attract new customers (through word-of-mouth marketing), and build brand awareness (through viral content).

7. Emotional Association

Emotional association is a powerful motivator that can influence a person’s purchase intention. Other factors can also influence a person’s purchase intention, such as perception about the product or associated risks and costs.

Emotional association is a phenomenon in which an object or concept becomes associated with certain feelings, thoughts, or memories. These associations can be positive or negative, and can have a significant impact on our decision-making.

When someone sees a product for the first time, they may associate it with positive memories such as owning the product or enjoying using it. Over time, this emotional association can lead to purchase decisions.

For example, if someone sees Nike shoes and remembers how much fun they had playing soccer in school, they are more likely to buy Nike shoes even if they don’t actually need them.

Likewise, negative associations can also influence purchase decisions. If someone remembers a bad experience with Nike shoes, that memory will likely influence their decision not to buy them in the future.

There are five main factors that influence our emotional association with products:

  1. Visuals/visuals alone (including color and design),
  2. Sound/noise levels (including music and audio),
  3. Smells/taste (including aroma and food),
  4. Touch/feel (including texture and temperature)
  5. and pain.

The more emotions that are involved in the experience, the stronger the emotional connection will be.

For example, Apple’s iPod has become so popular because they have focused on creating an experience that involves all

Feel/touch (including materials and textures),

And location (including where the product is sold).

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Perceived Risk and Disadvantages of Online Shopping

Perceived risk is well-defined by Dowling and Staelen as something that creates doubt in the consumer’s mind to buy any specific goods or services.

Risk is experienced more in online shopping because the sense of physical experience and inspection is missing that cannot be passed on online. Traditional shopping provides better customer satisfaction as they can physically experience the product.

That is why risk in traditional shopping is negligible as compared to advanced and speedy online shopping methods.

Consumers are uncomfortable due to limited instructions and privacy risk. Many people prefer cash on deliveries service because of that risk and do not want to share their bank details with the marketer or that website.

Lots of online users stopped buying online due to privacy risks and there are others that do not even want to try online shopping because they feel it is very risky and they are afraid of any problematic situation. Privacy risks automatically lead toward people not buying online.

Consumers’ concern and insecurity about their personal information or a specific product result in negative effects on intentions.

What can you do to make your buyers feels protected?

The intention of a consumer to shop online could be improved by ensuring that their private data is the brand’s priority.

You can achieve this goal by giving them a sense of protection, trust and privacy.

As strong as it might sound, your business might depends on this. You cannot take security of your customers for granted.

This is because the customers are more concerned about their privacy and safety than ever before. They have a very strong feeling that they need to be protected from any kind of fraud or scams.

People’s perceptions of risk and advantages play a big role when it comes to making decisions like purchasing items online. If someone feels like they’re taking on too much risk by buying something offline, they might be less likely to make the purchase at all. Conversely, if someone thinks that everything is under control and there are no risks involved whatsoever, they’re more likely to buy an item without first checking it out thoroughly.

This can have a significant impact on how people shop for things online – especially when it comes to expensive items or those that require special knowledge or expertise. Simply put: The perceived risks and advantages of shopping for anything online can be incredibly influential in determining whether somebody will actually make a purchase!

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What are the 5 types of questions that drive purchase intentions?

There are five types of questions that drive purchase intentions: factual, emotional, social, functional, and environmental. Questions can be categorized based on their underlying motivations for asking them.

  1. Factual questions are those that ask you about a product or service in a straightforward way. For example, “What’s the warranty?” or “How many calories is this food high in?” Factual questions are driven by need (for information), wants (to satisfy desires), and interests (to learn more).
  2. Emotional questions involve feelings such as happiness or sadness. For example, “Will this make me happy?” or “How will I feel if I buy this product?” Emotional questions are driven by emotions such as happiness or sadness and want satisfaction (things that make us happy).
  3. Social questions concern relationships between people. For example, “Would you like to be friends with me on Facebook?” Social question are driven by wanting to connect with others and build relationships.
  4. Functional questions relate to how the product will help you do your job better. For example, “Can I use this phone outside the US?”, or “Does this suit have an A/C unit?”. a functional question is motivated by needs such as needing directions to find something or needing information about a product.
  5. Environmental questions ask you about the environment around the product. For example, “Is this item made with recycled materials?” Environmental question is motivated by wanting to know about the environment or taking care of the environment.

How can these questions be used to improve marketing campaigns?

First, you have to understand what motivates your target market and then tailor your messages to their needs. For example, if your target market is made up of environmentally conscious consumers, you can use environmental questions to get them thinking about the benefits that your product has on the environment.

You might even create a marketing campaign that focuses on the environmental benefits of your product.

You can also use environmental questions to help you find out what your target market thinks about the environment. You could then tailor your marketing campaign to change their minds and make them more likely to buy from you.

What are the benefits of using these questions to drive purchase intentions?

The benefits of using these questions to drive purchase intentions include better understanding of customer needs, increasing conversion rates, and improving brand awareness.

Additionally, they can help you identify any potential problems or challenges that customers may face when making a purchase. By understanding your customer’s needs in this way, you can provide them with the best possible experience when shopping online.

How can these questions be used to segment customers?

Segmenting customers is a process of dividing them into groups based on similarities.

Segmenting your customers can help you understand and cater to their needs better. You can do this by asking questions about their brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand attitude. This information will help you tailor your marketing strategies to reach more people with the right message. By understanding your customer’s attitudes towards your products or services, you’ll be able to increase conversion rates and drive more sales.

You can segment customers using these three questions:

  • 1) How aware are they of your company?
  • 2) What is their level of loyalty?
  • 3) Do they have a positive or negative attitude towards your company?

By answering these questions, you’ll be able to identify which segments of the population are most interested in what you have to offer and target them with specific marketing campaigns.

How can these questions be used to create targeted content?

Once you know the why’s, the how’s, the when’s, the who’s and the what’s of your audience, you can start creating content that specifically targets them.

By answering these questions, you can learn more about your target audience and create content that is specific to their needs. This will help you increase brand awareness and loyalty, which will lead to increased purchase intention.

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The conclusion of this article is that all three factors –brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand attitude– are critical in purchase intention.

Branding can have a significant impact on people’s decision to buy products or services from a certain company. In some cases, it can even be the deciding factor when someone is considering which company to do business with.

All three factors are important because they affect how likely someone is to consider your product or service when making their purchase decisions.

Each one of these factors has the potential to influence someone’s decision differently. However, together they have the power to create an overwhelming effect on purchasing behavior.

Jesus Guzman

M&G Speed Marketing LTD. CEO

Jesus Guzman is the CEO and founder of M&G Speed Marketing LTD, a digital marketing agency focused on rapidly growing businesses through strategies like SEO, PPC, social media, email campaigns, and website optimization. With an MBA and over 11 years of experience, Guzman combines his marketing expertise with web design skills to create captivating online experiences. His journey as an in-house SEO expert has given him insights into effective online marketing. Guzman is passionate about helping businesses achieve impressive growth through his honed skills. He has proud case studies to share and is eager to connect to take your business to the next level.