Twitter’s rebranded advertising Suite

The rebranding of twitter ads suite
Twitter Rebranding of its Ads Suite

Advertisers had wanted clearer language that was more in line with what they would expect from an ad platform. And in response to this need, Twitter simplifies its ad product offering with a rebranding of its product suite.

The Twitter Rebranded Ads Category are:

  1. Promoted Ads
  2. Follower Ads
  3. Twitter Amplify
  4. Twitter Takeover
  5. Twitter Live.

As you can see, from over 22 individual ad formats, there are now only 5 main ad categories.

Promoted Ads: can have different creative formats and ad features and are intended for use throughout the marketing funnel.

Follower Ads: promote an account to a target audience to create brand awareness and generate new followers.

Twitter Amplify: allows advertisers to match their content with premium video content that is relevant to their brand.

Twitter Takeover: it brings the most premium placements to drive broad reach and results.

Twitter Live: allows advertisers to broadcast their biggest moments in real-time.

Twitter business ads suite updated
Twitter’s rebranded advertising suite

Twitter has said that these changes represent a significant consolidation without losing reach and customization options for your marketing advertising campaigns.

Through extensive data analysis, Twitter’s experts found what they were looking for and re-categorized and re-branded the entire ad suite offering. Going from 22+ individual ad formats to 5 ad categories is a big change with a corresponding suite of features to apply to them.